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Название/описание Уровень NPC Тип
Shadow Fox III
You must pass Warehouse Chief Natools' test in order to become a High-Grade Agent. Speak to Warehouse Chief Natools.\n
37 Natools
"Completion of the ""Shadow Fox - 2"" quest."
Этап NPC/Место
Добыть список вещей
1. High-Grade Test
You must pass Warehouse Chief Natools' test in order to become a High-Grade Agent. Speak to Warehouse Chief Natools.\n
"Warehouse Chief Natools "
2. What's Left of your Predecessor
"Natools' test is for you to find the report written by your predecessor, who was killed while carrying out a mission. Go to Alligator Beach and eliminate the monsters that attacked the agent, and retrieve your Predecessor's Report.\n\nMonsters to Hunt - Crokian Warriors, Farhite, Alligators \n"
Alligator Beach
3. Your Predecessor's Report
You have found your Predecessor's Report. Return to Natools.\n
"Warehouse Chief Natools "
4. Select
"It turns out that Warehouse Chief Natools is actually the legendary information dealer, Shadow Fox! Shadow Fox has asked you to choose one of two similar requests made by two of Aden's major powers. Speak with Warehouse Chief Natools about your decision.\n"
"Warehouse Chief Natools "

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