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NCsoft in Russia, coming soon...
NCsoft сегодня объявил, что собирается бороться за права интеллектуальной собственности и начнет с восточной Европы. А именно Греции и России...

NCsoft in Russia, coming soon...

NCsoft Steps Up Battle in the Fight Against Illegal Game Servers
Thursday 10 April, 2008

BRIGHTON, England (10th April 2008) – NCsoft®, the world-leading, publisher of massively multiplayer online games such as Guild Wars®, Lineage® II and City of Heroes®, today announced that it was stepping up its fight against the growing menace of intellectual property theft. This action comes as a direct response to the rise of illegal online game servers throughout Eastern Europe, particularly in Greece and Russia where NCsoft’s fantasy-based online role playing game, Lineage II, is extremely popular.

The fraudulent servers in question are being used by players playing at home and in internet cafes, but such unauthorised servers often feature – or require users to download – illegally modified and potentially harmful game data, thereby changing the intended online experience.

NCsoft’s European office has identified several prominent illegal servers across Europe and is in the process of taking action against individuals and corporations deemed to be in breach of international copyright laws. In a lawsuit that was commenced last year in Greece, NCsoft successfully obtained a court order against Internet Cafe business, ‘e-GLOBAL’ following which four of its cafes were raided and illegal software was seized. This led to the shutting down of illegal servers on which pirate copies of Lineage II software was loaded. Georgios Katostaris – Chairman of the Board and Managing Director, Constantinos Zygouras – Vice-Chairman of the Board and Managing Director, Athanassios Dobros – Deputy Managing Director and Dimitrios Koutsoukos – Administrator of the company under the name ‘INTERNET DYNAMICS LLC’ have all been made personal defendants to the proceedings that are continuing in the Greek Courts in which NCsoft is seeking damages as well as criminal remedies.

”Illegal game servers, such as those operating from e-GLOBAL, have a hugely negative impact on both NCsoft Europe and its customers,” commented Max Brown, NCsoft Europe’s Sales & Operations Director. ”They seriously affect the player’s experience of our products and rob the company of potential revenue that is used to further enhance the player experience on official servers. NCsoft’s loss in revenue from e-GLOBAL’s operation is estimated in excess of six million Euros. We are defiant in our resolve to stamp out theft of NCsoft’s intellectual properties and are prepared to take the strongest measures to do so.”

NCsoft has a proven track record in combating illegal servers, having worked with the FBI in November 2006 to shut down a substantial unofficial Lineage II server run by US-based website, L2Extreme.com. Following multiple raids across cities throughout the US, L2Extreme’s fraudulent servers – which claimed to support 50,000 active users – were taken offline, as was the L2Extreme.com website.

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 (голосов: 53)
Просмотров: 3525 автор: Tr0y 11 апреля 2008 Напечатать Комментарии (7)
#1 написал: lilm7 (19 апреля 2008 18:38)
Ну-ну...Пусть борется...
Зарегистрирован: 19.04.2008 ICQ: --
#2 написал: Анетт (2 мая 2008 19:55)
посмотрим что получиться...хотя думаю - ничего...
Зарегистрирован: 2.05.2008 ICQ: --
#3 написал: Танкян (4 мая 2008 23:22)
Зарегистрирован: 4.05.2008 ICQ: --
#4 написал: Sheresssss (6 мая 2008 10:56)
Пока до нас дойдетsmileи ет ток вводитсяsmile
Зарегистрирован: 21.04.2008 ICQ: --
#5 написал: Tim (24 мая 2008 22:10)
Чувствую после этого ряды фришардов поредеют smile вот только будет это не скоро...
Зарегистрирован: 10.05.2008 ICQ: --
#6 написал: mixmagtmb (17 июня 2008 11:56)
Да у нас это не скоро winkedwinkedwinkedwinkedwinked
Зарегистрирован: 7.05.2008 ICQ: --
#7 написал: lilm7 (20 июня 2008 20:37)
А кто такие фришарды?smileИ почему ряды поредеют?smile
Зарегистрирован: 19.04.2008 ICQ: --
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